Let’s dismantle in four parts the false narrative that has been permeating the information all over the world for years. I chose to show this succession of maps because it is the most used to accuse Israel of being an abusive and occupying nation when in reality it is not.
If you are looking for sources and want to delve deeper into the chronology of events that led to the birth of Israel, I invite you to read this article: The Whole History of Israel.
- The British Mandate, is not Palestine
- The UN Plan and the Aggression by the Arab Countries
- The Jordanian and Egyptian occupation of Gaza and Judea Samaria
- The first Palestinian administrations, thanks to Israel

The British Mandate, is not Palestine
1900 – 1947
The British Mandate, is not In the first map, it is alluded to some Jewish settlements beginning to devour Palestine, but the reality is different. In that year the land belongs to Great Britain, through a mandate from the League of Nations (formerly the UN) due to the instability and the inability of self-determination of the area once the Ottoman Empire crumbled.
What appears as white dots are mostly lands (mostly marshy or infertile) purchased at prices well above market prices from wealthy Arab landowners by Jewish funds. Therefore, the white areas represent private property and not pieces of a “nation” that has begun to expand.

The UN Plan and the Aggression by the Arab Countries
1947 – 1948
In the second map, the UN, with resolution 181, proposes the transfer of the land by Great Britain and a plan for partition into two states: one Jewish and one Arab (not Palestinian!). The Jews accept, the Arabs do not.
This will give rise to a sudden aggression by neighboring Arab countries and some local Arabs to annihilate the State of Israel and its inhabitants. Israel rejects the aggression, against all odds.

The Jordanian and Egyptian occupation of Gaza and Judea Samaria
1949 – 1967
In the third map, the first one ended with the Arab-Israeli war, with the armistice of 1949, Egypt occupies the Gaza Strip while Jordan occupies Judea and Samaria (West Bank). Those areas, now erroneously defined with the term Palestine, were in reality regions occupied by these two States.
Furthermore, the term Palestine (a term imposed by the Romans to humiliate the Jews in the year 132) refers exclusively to a geographical, regional aspect, and not a political, national one. The concept of the Palestinian people is still poorly defined but will soon become the warhorse used in the years to come to accuse and fight Israel.

The first Palestinian administrations, thanks to Israel
1967 – 2023
In the fourth map, with the Six-Day War, Israel, in a strategic operation, beats the Arab armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan who were preparing to attack it again. In doing so, it gains possession of the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, Sinai (which it will later cede to Egypt in exchange for recognition) and Judea and Samaria (West Bank).
Over the years, Israel, through the total handover of the Gaza Strip (2005) and the creation of Areas A and B in Judea and Samaria (since 1994), has given the Palestinians their first chance in history to govern themselves. In essence, the green areas in the latest map are the first areas ever to be controlled by a Palestinian authority.
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