We embark on a centuries-long journey through 20 stages. We discover why “Palestine” has existed only geographically as a region and not politically as a nation.
We also become aware of the continuous attacks that Israel has received from its Arab neighbors since its legitimate rebirth.
For each chapter, two types of sources are cited, where possible: global and selected. Global sources are more widespread and are those from which public opinion draws the most. Selected sources are more niche and are less popular among public opinion, but are considered by me to be reliable.
If you are interested in learning more about specific topics, I invite you to take a look at these contents:
- Before 3300 B.C.
- The Canaanites (3300 – 1030 B.C.)
- The United Kingdom of Israel is born (1030 – 970 B.C.)
- The First Temple (970 – 931 B.C.)
- The Division of the Kingdom and the First Invaders (930 – 63 B.C.)
- The Arrival of the Romans (63 B.C. – 74 A.D.)
- From Judea to “Syria-Palestine” (132)
- Byzantines, Islam and Crusades (324 – 1291)
- The Mamelukes (1291 – 1517)
- The Arrival of the Ottomans (1517)
- Nationalist Movements and Zionism (1800 – 1900)
- The World Wars and the Return to “Palestine” (1900 – 1945)
- Israel is Reborn (1945 – 1948)
- The First Arab-Israeli War (1948)
- The Nationalization of the Suez Canal (1956)
- The Six Day War (1967)
- The PLO, the Yom Kippur War and Camp David (1968 – 1978)
- Israel Confronts PLO in Lebanon (1982)
- The Intifadas and the Blurred “Palestinian” State“ (1987 – 2002)
- The Cession of Gaza and the Rise of Hamas (2005 – 2023)

#1. Before 3300 B.C.
There are many prehistoric sites in Israel since when the first man left Africa he passed through the land of Israel.
However, these prehistoric sites are rather modest and not particularly impressive. So unless you have a particular interest in this period, the vast majority of the sites you will visit will be from the last 4,000 years.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Sapiens: il clima e le migrazioni (Focus) |

#2. The Canaanites
3300 – 1030 B.C.
In this period, also called the Bronze Age, the Canaanites are not a nation but groups of people who live in city-states and pay taxes to Egypt.
Starting from 1200 B.C., the Israeli part of Canaan (the land of the Canaanites), begins to be gradually conquered by the Hebrews.
The Israeli and southern part of Canaan (corresponding more or less to the Gaza Strip) is taken by the Philistines, coming from Greece, but will still maintain Canaanite idioms and cultural influences for a long time.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Età del bronzo (Wikipedia) – Canaan (Wikipedia) |

#3. The United Kingdom of Israel is born
1030 – 970 B.C.
The 12 tribes of Israel are united under the United Kingdom of Israel.
In 1000 B.C., King David conquers Jerusalem and makes it the capital.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Regno Unito di Israele (Wikipedia) – Filistei (Wikipedia) |

#4. The First Temple
970 – 931 B.C.
The construction of the first Temple took place under King Solomon, son of King David.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Tempio di Salomone (Wikipedia) |

#5. The Division of the Kingdom and the First Invaders
930 – 63 B.C.
After the death of King Solomon, the United Kingdom of Israel splits into two parts: the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea.
In 732 B.C., the Kingdom of Israel is conquered by the Assyrians and the Jews are expelled.
In 586 B.C., the Babylonians invade Judea, destroy the Temple and the Babylonian Exile of the Jews begins.
In 539 B.C., the Persians conquer the Babylonian Empire, Cyrus the Great allows the Jews to return to their lands.
In 516 B.C., the second Temple is built, smaller than the first.
In 332 B.C., Alexander the Great conquers the Middle East, and therefore Israel.
From 323 B.C., after the death of Alexander the Great, Israel becomes a battleground between two successors: the Ptolemies (from Egypt) and the Seleucids (from Syria).
In 200 B.C., the Seleucids conquer the land of Israel.
In 167 B.C., King Antiochus prohibits Jewish religious practices and the Jews rebel, winning.
For about 100 years, the Hasmoneans will reign over a land smaller than the Kingdom of Israel. It will be another 2,000 years before another victory for the Jewish people.
There is an ancient bond that unites the Iranian and Jewish people. In ancient times, Cyrus the Great helped the Israelites return to their lands. Today, both peoples share oppression and violence by Islamic regimes or terrorists.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Regno di Israele (Wikipedia) – Assedio Gerusalemme (701 a.C.) (Wikipedia) – Esilio babilonese (Wikipedia) – Babilonia (provincia persiana) (Wikipedia) – Impero di Alessandro Magno (Wikipedia) – Impero seleucide (Wikipedia) – Antioco IV (Wikipedia) – Asmonei (Wikipedia) |

#6. The Arrival of the Romans
63 B.C. – 74 A.D.
The domination of the Romans will be a gradual process.
From 37 B.C. to 4 A.D., Herod takes office as king under the protectorate of the Romans and contributes to the expansion of the second Temple.
Between the years 7-1 B.C., Jesus Christ is born.
In the meantime, relations between the Jews and the Roman prefects begin to deteriorate.
In 66, the Jews rebel.
In 70, the Romans prevail and destroy the second Temple.
In 74, the rebellion ends with the conquest of the city of Masada by the Romans, whose inhabitants put up an iconic resistance.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Giudea romana (Wikipedia) – Erode il Grande (Wikipedia) – Gesù (Wikipedia) – Nascita di Gesù (Wikipedia) – Prima guerra giudaica (Wikipedia) – Assedio di Gerusalemme (70) (Wikipedia) – Assedio di Masada (Wikipedia) |

#7. From Judea to “Syria-Palestine”
The Jewish tribe Bar Kokhba rebels but the Romans quell it by committing real massacres. As punishment, among other things, Judea is renamed “Syria-Palestine”.
This choice is a spite to the Jews because the name “Palestine” recalls the name of the Philistines, bitter enemies of Israel.
Most of the Jewish activities move to Galilee but, despite this, the bond between the Jews and their land remains very strong.
From now on the term “Palestine” will continue to be used by successive empires and dominations. This will unwittingly lead, from the second half of the twentieth century, to feed the false narrative that a “Palestinian” State existed. This is false, moreover the term “Palestine” had only a geographical, regional meaning, and not a political, national one.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Terza guerra giudaica (Wikipedia) |

#8. Byzantines, Islam and Crusades
324 – 1291
We are at the gates of the Middle Ages and a long and hot historical period begins. “Palestine” will pass under various dominions.
From 324 to 638, it passes to the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire).
From 638 to 1099, it is taken by the Islamic Caliphate. In this period the Al-Aqsa Mosque (674-680) and the Dome of the Rock (687-691) are built.
From 1099 to 1291, the Crusaders, Europeans, conquer Jerusalem and its lands to free them from Islamic occupation, which will also be definitively rejected in Spain in 1492 (Jewish communities will also be expelled).
The term “Palestine” continues to be used, not because it is historically accurate but because the “Palestine brand” is easier to remember: it is a bit like if all types of cola were called Coca Cola.
The Jews continue to live in their land, with a strong attachment.
The presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock has led some international organizations such as UNESCO (UN) to recognize Jerusalem as Islamic. However, they were not yet under construction when Muhammad undertook the “night journey” in 620 from Mecca to the “remote” mosque.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Storia dell’impero bizantino (Wikipedia) – Assedio di Gerusalemme (637) (Wikipedia) – Assedio di Gerusalemme (1099) (Wikipedia) – Maometto (Wikipedia) – Cupola della Roccia (Wikipedia) | – Il Perbenista – MAGDI ALLAM – Parte 2 (Udinese TV) |

#9. The Mamelukes
1291 – 1517
The Mamluks are non-Muslim slave soldiers who were forced to convert to Islam. Over the years they founded their own Muslim dynasty based in Egypt.
They defeat the Crusaders and even the Mongols who reach as far as the Galilee Valley. Their greatest fear is that the Crusaders might return, so they destroy all the port cities.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Sultanato mamelucco (Il Cairo) (Wikipedia) |

#10. The Arrival of the Ottomans
The Ottoman Empire comes to power, the label “Palestine” continues to be used. The empire divides the territory into several provinces and “Palestine” is cut into two parts. The larger part will take the name of the Province of Damascus.
The Jewish presence remains and their communities thrive, especially in the cities of Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberias.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Impero ottomano (Wikipedia) – Divis. ammin. dell’Imp. ottomano (Wikipedia) |

#11. Nationalist Movements and Zionism
1800 – 1900
European interest in the territory of “Palestine” grows, thanks also to Napoleon’s military campaign in the Middle East.
Meanwhile, nationalism is spreading throughout the world and even the Jews dream of being able to regain their land as a political entity, that is, a nation.
In 1894, the Dreyfus affair, which sees the unjust conviction of the captain of Jewish origin Alfred Dreyfus, ignites the desire of Jewish nationalism.
In 1897, the Zionist movement begins to gain momentum with Theodor Herzl who starts the first congress in Basel.
In imperial Russia, between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, the spread of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (a historical and ideological forgery) prepares the ground for the Holocaust to come. The persecutions against Jews already underway in Russia can be defined as a proto-Holocaust.
Towards the end of the century and for the first decades of the following one, the purchases of territories in “Palestine” by Jewish funds begin. These lands, mostly marshy or infertile, are mostly bought from rich Arab landowners at prices much higher than the market ones.
The Ottoman Empire begins to show its cracks and the area of ”Palestine” continues to arouse more and more interest in the world.
The first settlements that will be shown in the famous succession of maps called “Palestine in decline”, are narrated as the beginning of the gradual disappearance of the “Palestinians”. In reality they represent private properties of individuals or associations, regularly purchased.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Nazionalismo (Wikipedia) – Affare Dreyfus (Wikipedia) – Sionismo (Wikipedia) – Protocolli dei Savi di Sion (Wikipedia) – Dissoluz. dell’Impero ottomano (Wikipedia) |

#12. The World Wars and the Return to “Palestine”
1900 – 1945
In 1920, after the end of the First World War and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations (formerly the UN) delegated control of “Palestine” to Great Britain. This choice was necessary given the inability of the Arab majority populations living there to self-determination.
The British promised the Jews their ancestral homeland while also trying to please the Arab population (not “Palestinian”!).
In 1921, the Arabs were given what is now Jordan, under a regime of semi-independence.
Many Jews scattered throughout the world began their return journey and the Jewish population in “Palestine” began to increase, bringing with it the construction of works and infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Arabs did not look favorably on all this.
While the British, in 1917, release the Balfour Declaration, at the same time they publish the so-called White Papers, starting in 1922, which limit Jewish immigration, showing a contrasting message especially while in Europe the Jews are exterminated.
In 1933, the Mufti of Jerusalem Amin El-Husseini offers his help to Hitler first in an anti-Western and then anti-Jewish way. The Arab involvement, and in particular “Palestinian”, in the genocide of the Jews is a little-known historical fact, but it exists.
Tensions in “Palestine” between Arabs and Jews continue to grow and each of the factions has a different vision of the future of the land.
The Second World War and the Holocaust bring the situation of the Jewish people to the center of global attention and the need for a safe haven for the Jews becomes more urgent than ever.
Many do not know that tensions between Jews and Arabs date back much longer than the rebirth of Israel. “Palestinian” (Islamic, in reality) attacks on Jews did not begin in 1948. Among the many examples, I cite the most striking: the massacre of Jews by “Palestinians” in Hebron in 1929, always fueled by Amin El-Husseini.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Mandato britan. della Palestina (Wikipedia) – Aliyah (Wikipedia) – Dichiarazione Balfour (1917) (Wikipedia) – Libro bianco (Palestina) (Wikipedia) – Amin al-Husseini (Wikipedia) | – SILVANA DE MARI – PALESTINESI E ISLAMICI PARTECIPARONO ALL’OLOCAUSTO: L’ACCORDO TRA HITLER E IL GRAN MUFTI DI GERUSALEMME (Magdi Cristiano Allam) – Incontro con Niram Ferretti, LA PROPAGANDA NAZISTA IN MEDIO ORIENTE E LE SUE CONSEGUENZE AD OGGI (Federazione Italia Israele) – Massacro di Hebron, era il 23 agosto 1929 (Progetto Dreyfus) – The Palestinian Refugee Problem Explained (Nakba and the Arab narrative) sub: DE, ES, FR, IT (travelingisrael.com) |

#13. Israel is Reborn
1945 – 1948
At the end of the Second World War, the British find themselves in an unpleasant situation. The Holocaust survivors want their homeland back, but the Arabs want to prevent it.
A series of events in succession under the umbrella of international legality increasingly open the way to the homeland of the Jewish people:
- 1919, Article 22 of the Charter of the League of Nations
- Self-determination of peoples
- 1920, San Remo Conference and Treaty of Sèvres
- International recognition of the Balfour Declaration
- Creation of the mandate system in the Middle East
- 1922, Mandate for “Palestine”
- 1923, Treaty of Lausanne
- 1945, Article 80 of the UN Charter
In 1947, the UN with Resolution 181 validates a plan for the partition into 2 states: one Jewish and one Arab (not “Palestinian”!). The Jewish leaders accept, the Arab leaders refuse.
On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion proclaimed independence and the State of Israel was reborn.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Piano di partiz. della Palestina (Wikipedia) – Dichiaraz. d’indipend. israeliana (Wikipedia) | – I diritti inalienabili alla terra di Israele (Cristiani per Israele Italia) |

#14. The First Arab-Israeli War
The day after Israel’s proclamation of independence, neighboring Arab states and part of the Arab population within the assigned borders unexpectedly and en masse attack Israel.
Against all odds, Israel resists and repels the invasion. The term “Palestine” becomes even more complicated.
With the armistice of 1949, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) is annexed by Jordan while the Gaza Strip is taken by Egypt. It is precisely these two states that will prevent the so-called birth of an Arab state from the beginning, according to the UN partition plan.
For the “Palestinian” Arabs, the defeat is a catastrophe, hence the term Naqba.
Meanwhile, Jews from all over the world continue to return to Israel, creating a melting pot of cultures, languages and histories. The Arabs, despite having been defeated and rejected, do not accept the course of history.
From now on, discrimination and violence by Palestinian and Islamic terrorism against Jews and Israelis will become increasingly heated and bloody: attacks and aggressions throughout the world will be almost the order of the day.
The most popular narrative of the Nakba is distorted. It was not the Israelis who drove out the “Palestinians”, but the Arab leaders themselves who urged the Arabs to flee Israel fearing repercussions as the Arabs’ plan was to annihilate the Jews of Israel. The Israelis, in contrast, never had annihilation plans for the Arabs.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Guerra arabo-israeliana del 1948 (Wikipedia) – Esodo palestinese del 1948 (Wikipedia) – Terrorismo palestinese (Wikipedia) – Attentati suicidi palestinesi (Wikipedia) | – Haj Amin al-Husseini, il vero responsabile della nakba (Israele.net) – The Palestinian Refugee Problem Explained (Nakba and the Arab narrative) sub: DE, ES, FR, IT (travelingisrael.com) – The Sinister Lies Behind the Palestinian “Nakhba” of 1948 (J-TV) |

#15. The Nationalization of the Suez Canal
Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal and blocks Israeli ships from passing through. France, Britain and Israel launch military operations against Egypt, only to withdraw under pressure from the United States and Russia.
Before nationalization, Britain and France held almost equal shares of the canal. The Suez Crisis, however, marked the definitive end of England and France as world powers, in a scenario where the United States of America, the Soviet Union and the Arab oil-exporting states were becoming the most important pieces of the global chessboard.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Crisi di Suez (Wikipedia) |

#16. The Six Day War
The states bordering Israel are becoming more and more threatening and are preparing for war. This is why Israel decides to strike the first blow.
In just six days, Israel takes over: Gaza, Sinai, Judea and Samaria (West Bank), East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. It is a brilliant and successful strategic move.
Now things get even more complicated.
Judea and Samaria are now under the control of Israel and the possibility of a “Palestinian” state becomes increasingly remote. However, thanks to Israel, the first areas (A and B) administered by the Palestinians themselves will be created. This was impossible during the occupation of the same areas by Jordan.
For these facts, Israel is defined as an occupying nation, forgetting however that none of the Arab states involved were preparing friendly actions. Without those new territories acquired, Israel’s security today would be more at risk. In reality, even if Israel were reduced to the 1947 borders, there would still be people and organizations that would find the pretext to accuse Israel of occupation. The Israel-Palestine issue is not territorial for many Arabs or Muslims… it is a religious issue.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Guerra dei sei giorni (Wikipedia) |

#17. The PLO, the Yom Kippur War and Camp David
1968 – 1978
Meanwhile, Israel begins to build settlements in these newly reacquired lands. “Palestine” appears increasingly fragmented.
In 1969, “Palestinian” nationalism begins to grow and Yasser Arafat, nephew of Amin El-Husseini, becomes the head of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization).
International efforts, especially from the West, for peace intensify.
In 1973, the Yom Kippur War begins. An Arab coalition, composed mainly of Egypt and Syria, attacks Israel with the aim of conquering the territories lost in 1967. The Arab coalition fails and Israel obtains another victory.
In 1978, the Camp David Accords mark a turning point: Egypt recognizes Israel, which returns the Sinai.
Tensions boil over in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.
The figure of Yasser Arafat, although he may seem publicly praised as a moderate, having been the head of the PLO, hides unclear aspects that are close to obscure.
Over time, evidence and facts have emerged that link him to Islamic terrorism, the latter disguised as “Palestinian resistance”. Still other evidence suggests his involvement in the overthrow of the Shah of Persia and the establishment of the repressive Islamic theocracy in Iran. In Iran and Afghanistan, the Soviet Union and Islamism played a key role in destabilizing and subverting the order of these modernizing states.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Organiz. per la Liber. della Palest. (Wikipedia) – Yasser Arafat (Wikipedia) – Guerra del Kippur (Wikipedia) – Accordi di Camp David (Wikipedia) | – La lunga storia dei legami tra il terrorismo palestinese e il regime iraniano (Shalom.it) – Arafat e Fatah ammettono legami e finanziamenti ai terroristi (Israele.net) – David Elber: GLI INSEDIAMENTI SONO LEGALI O ILLEGALI? (Federazione Italia Israele) |

#18. Israel Confronts PLO in Lebanon
Israel invades Lebanon to fight PLO forces that pose an ever-greater threat to Israel. This will lead to a prolonged military engagement in southern Lebanon.
Lebanon was considered the Switzerland of the Middle East until the first half of the 1970s. It was a Christian majority nation and its economy was flourishing. When it became a Muslim majority, problems and discrimination against minorities and Christians began. Despite this, one-way Islamic propaganda, perpetrated through local and international bodies (such as Al-Jazeera), has indoctrinated hundreds of thousands of Christians to believe that Israel is the root of the problems. This same type of propaganda is also active in the “Palestinian” territories of Gaza and Judea and Samaria and throughout the Middle East, where Christians are also subjected to continuous Islamist media propaganda.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Guerra del Libano (1982) (Wikipedia) | – HOW ISLAMISTS OVERRAN MY COUNTRY LEBANON – BRIGITTE GABRIEL #ISLAM #lebanon #africa #américatv (AFRICA ENLIGHTENMENT CENTRE) – This Christian Commanded Jewish Soldiers In The Israeli Army (Hananya Naftali) |

#19. The Intifadas and the Blurred “Palestinian” State
1987 – 2002
In 1987, the first Intifada arrives, leading to increased Arab violence against Israel. That same year, Hamas is founded (what a coincidence, huh?).
In 1993, the Oslo Accords are signed at the White House, promising mutual recognition between Israel and “Palestine.”
It could be the beginning of a new era. Yasser Arafat (“Palestine”) and Yitzhak Rabin (Israel) shake hands in a sign of reconciliation, but the words previously said by Yasser Arafat suggest that the Arab side does not want peace:
[…] I do not consider this agreement any more than the agreement that was signed between our Prophet Muhammad and the tribe of Quraysh. […]
Yasser Arafat, Johannesburg (South Africa), May 10, 1994
To understand Arafat’s allusion, one must know that in 628, Muhammad, after losing an important battle, signed a treaty with the Jewish tribe of Quraysh that controlled Mecca, committing himself to ten years of peace in exchange for permission of ritual pilgrimage. After two years, having strengthened himself, Muhammad broke the agreement, exterminated the Quraysh and took over Mecca. Arafat was saying that he too would use Oslo to strengthen himself and break the agreements when it seemed convenient to him to exterminate his Jewish enemies.
It should be noted, however, that Yasser Arafat represents only the facade image, the decision to interrupt the construction project with Israel is also the mirror of the will of other Arab leaders, whether they are “Palestinians” or other more or less nearby Arab states.
In 1995, the agreements continue with the Oslo Accords 2, expanding the number of areas that have come under “Palestinian” authority. Cities such as: Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, Qalqilya, Ramallah, Tulkarm and over 400 other villages are included.
In 2000, the second Intifada arrives, which is bloodier and more complex than the first, hopes for peace fade and violence increases.
Starting in 2002, to limit the horrific attacks on its territory and the massacres against its civilians, Israel began building the famous separation wall that runs almost entirely along the Green Line of the 1949 armistice: 730km that divide Israel from Judea and Samaria.
The Oslo Accords are the first real opportunity for the “Palestinians” to have their own state, but the Arab leaders, rather than recognize Israel, decide to burn this opportunity.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Prima intifada (Wikipedia) – Accordi di Oslo (Wikipedia) – Seconda intifada (Wikipedia) – Barriera di separazione israeliana (Wikipedia) | – Lo dice l’Autorità Palestinese: gli accordi di Oslo non servono alla pace, ma alla “lotta” (Shalom.it) – Incontro con Magdi Allam (Michael Sfaradi) – Why Israel Built The Wall (Hananya Naftali) |

#20. The Cession of Gaza and the Rise of Hamas
2005 – 2023
In 2005, Israel, as a sign of détente, evacuated all military and civilians from the Gaza Strip. It left Gazans the possibility of self-government and productive activities, which however were soon destroyed by them, along with the synagogues.
In 2006, a conflict broke out between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, following attacks by Hezbollah on Israel and the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers.
In the same year, Hamas won the elections in Gaza. The international community, concerned about security, imposed an economic blockade on Gaza.
In 2014, due to massive rocket attacks towards Israel, a conflict broke out between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded Israeli cities on the border with Gaza, carrying out the largest massacre of Israelis and Jews since the Holocaust. This terrorist attack has the support of more than 75% of the “Palestinians” in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.
The kidnapping technique has been, and continues to be, widely used by Palestinian and Islamic terrorism because the value of life, for Jews and Israel, is fundamental. For this reason, Israel is willing to accept disproportionate conditions in order to have its kidnapped and hostages back.
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Striscia di Gaza (Wikipedia) – Elez. legislat. in Palestina, 2006 (Wikipedia) – Guerra del Libano (2006) (Wikipedia) – Oper. Margine di protezione (Wikipedia) – Attacco di Hamas Israele, 2023 (Wikipedia) | – AWRAD: More Than 75% of Palestinians Support Hamas’ October 7 (Mondiversi) – saturday-october-seven.com (strong content, for mature audiences only!) 🔞 – hamas.com (strong content, for mature audiences only!) 🔞 |
To this day, Israel is still engaged in a military operation to eliminate the threat of Hamas and rescue its hostages.
All this while still being attacked with missiles from Gaza, Lebanon and Iran…
… and by disinformation and public opinion around the world.
Sources of interest to multiple parties
Global Sources | Selected Sources |
– Verso lo Stato di Israele (Edda Fogarollo) – Le 10 Bugie su Israele (Fiamma Nirenstein) – Stato di Palestina (Wikipedia) | – Israele e le Bugie sui Territori Occupati (Mondiversi) |
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