I express my dissent for the choice of Maha Yakoub, author of the book Instant Arabo (Gribaudo, Feltrinelli Editore), to never mention Israel, at least where all the Arab and non-Arab countries close to Palestine are listed.
I really don’t understand this. Israel shares a long border with Palestine, the Arab community is integrated, non-discriminated and constitutes a good part of the Israeli population, in addition to the fact that the Arabic language is also spoken and used at an institutional level in Israel. Unfortunately, in the new 2023 edition the choice not to mention Israel has been maintained.
In the book in question I had the feeling that Israel, never named, was secretly accused in some pages of being guilty of the suffering of the Palestinian people. If this were true, in my opinion, it would configure a narrative in line with Palestinian propaganda, containing victimism and historical revisionism.
To give you an example, in a chapter of the book, the separation wall erected by Israel in 2002 is called “the wall of shame”. Well, thanks to that “wall of shame” Israel has drastically reduced the number of massacres against its civilian population by Palestinian terrorism. In numbers, in the last year alone, before the start of construction of the wall, there were 53 suicide attacks against Israeli civilians!
Even the question of the Naqba, again in a chapter of the same book, is treated incorrectly by implying that Israel expelled the people from their lands, but in reality most of the Arabs fled their homes at the request of the Arab leaders themselves. In fact the latter feared that the Jews wanted to annihilate the Arabs as this was the Arabs’ plan: to annihilate the Jews. In reality the Israelis never had plans of annihilation, unlike the others.
Furthermore, in the author’s YouTube channel, the figure of Yasser Arafat is not, in my opinion, exhaustively represented. To make up for this I could mention, among various things, Arafat’s anything but peaceful and constructive actions towards Israel and his very close ties with his uncle Haji Amin El Husseini (former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem), the latter ally of Adolf Hitler and complicit in the massacres of Jews in Europe (Holocaust) and in the territories of Judea and Samaria (including the Hebron massacre in 1929).
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